We are tickled PINK to announce the arrival of Miss Koralyn Kay Jones! She finally joined our family on Thursday the 27th at 7:41 am, weighing in at a whopping 7 lbs. 6 oz. and 20.5 inches long. We are so happy to finally have her in our family. She is such a joy and brings such a wonderful, peaceful feeling in our home. She is a great baby... just sleeps the day away. :)
We had so much support and help while in the hosptial and we are so grateful for that. Thanks to all of those who watched our boys and cleaned my house (Sarah, you are unbelieveable)! Not only did we have a lot of help, we had a ton of visitors in the hospital which was so nice... it made the stay bearable! :)
Here are a few pictures of her so far...
Day 1: She was not happy to be getting her first bath just minutes after delivering. Here is Aunt Rachel as well as Glen David holding her. Glen just LOVED her from the first minute... it took Jaxon a little bit longer to warm up to her but he loves her so much now.

Day 2: The pediatrician said she is doing great and doesn't even need to "sun tan" under the billy lights. The boys in their true form! :)

Day 3: Home again... Home again! On Friday, Glen Allen went to pick up the boys to bring them over to see her again and they stopped by the store to pick out an outfit for her. They were so excited to give them to her. She wore Glen's cherry outfit home from the hospital on Saturday.

She is doing great! The first night home we gave her a bath and she hated it! But she absolutely LOVES her nightly massages with lotion though. That's my girl! :) This is her with daddy right after her first bath and lotion rub down.
Day 4: She woke up to lots of loves and kisses from her brothers and enjoyed cuddling with her daddy! She already has daddy wrapped around her finger. He is SO in love with her! She is sporting the "kitty" outfit Jaxon picked out for her. He was so excited to see her wearing it. It's so cute to see the boys so involved in her.
We are all doing great and love having Koralyn home with us. More pictures to come...