Saturday, September 6, 2008

Jaxon's Big Lips

I swear I have to get this on video before he grows out of the stage but Jaxon does the cutest "big lips" when he gives kisses and when he dances. He does his little booty shake where nothing moves but his hips and then he does his big lips! I love it! A few nights ago he was doing it during the nightly prayer routine where everyone has to have a turn... at least he was kneeling down, closing his eyes and being reverent! How can you not love kids!?!


Reid and Brittney said...

So cute, I miss those "big lips". Hope you guys are doing great. We miss you like crazy, this whole moving thing has been harder than I thought it would be. Hope to see you soon!!! Love ya. Give those big lips and bite victim a kiss for me.

A said...

Heather this is April...I was reading Vanessa blog and saw yours..Your little family is so cute :) looks like life is treating you well!